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How Long Does A Swimming Pool Pump Last?

When talking about swimming pool pumps, pool owners always like to know how long the pool pump will last. Probably because it's the most costly part of the pool to replace/repair and it's crucial to your swimming pool. However the answer varies. How much has the pump been used? What quality rating does your pool pump have? Who is the manufacturer?

how long should a pool pump last?

We have seen pool pumps last from 5 years all the way to 15 years.

Here's what can make the difference:


When a pump is too small for the pool, it overworks itself and has a much shorter lifespan. Overall, the stronger the pump, the better.


The more often the pump runs, the more wear it experiences. This is why variable speed pool pumps are preferred - they have a range of speeds depending on what you need (regular nightly cleaning, or clearing out algae in a green pool) and they’re more energy efficient than single-speed pumps.


A properly maintained pool pump lasts longer. Over the lifetime of a pool pump small parts like screws, sealants, and O-rings will break and need replacement. The faster you respond to it, the better.

Talking about pool pump maintenance, it's also important to know when there's a problem.

Your pool pump needs attention if:

  • If water around the pool pump is noticeable, it could have a leak. This needs to be addressed sooner rather than later - even a small pool pump leak could lead to larger problems.

  • If you are hearing loud or unusual noises from the pool pump, it's time to take a look and check it thoroughly for problems.

  • If the pool doesn’t seem to be operating like you think it should - for example, pressure too hi or too low, vacuum system not doing it's job, cleaning system not operating properly, or it doesn’t seem like water flow is moving like you think it should.

Bottom line - if things seem weird call a professional. Sunset Pool Care is always happy to help diagnose and fix your pool pump issues: 📞 480-682-7986


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